Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mod 9 Blog on Line-Hand drawings

1. What was it like using your hand as subject matter for a drawing?
It was a lot harder than it seemed when I first read the assignment. I'm not going to lie, I drew about 4 sketches before these ones and they barely looked like hands...
2. What media did you select - pencil or charcoal? Why?
I chose pencil because I can shade enough with pencil using my finger, and charcoal gets a little messy sometimes....especially in this case, I would have had it all over both hands.
3. How did it feel to create a drawing with your non-dominant hand?
It surprisingly turned out pretty well? The assignment never said that no corrections could be made with the non-dominent hand, so lets just say, for a sub par drawing, it took about 5X as long as the dominant.
4. Compare and contrast your final drawings. Do you think they are successful studies?
I definitely thinks this assignment shows how reliant you really are on one hand, especially for art.  It really made me wonder how I would even manage if I were to break my right arm or something for example....maybe its not a bad idea to practice things with both hands.
5. Would you consider using your non-dominant hand to create artwork in the future?
Not unless it was a requirement.  I appreciate this assignment, but it was SO much easier doing it with my right hand, and was close to frustrating with my left, because lines were coming out darker than I wanted them for example because I am completely not used to drawing with my non-dominant hand, and the levels of applying pressure to the pencil was nearly an impossible task.

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