Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mod. 7 - Video review

Questions and Topics for Your Blog Posting:

I watched 'Prairie Style' & 'Architecture: The Science of Design'

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Some of the key concepts I learned are:
-How important layering horizontals are in architecture, especially Frank Lloyd Wright
-Importance of windows & natural light
-Short ceilings in Frank Lloyd Wright's houses make you look outside
-He designed houses so they looked as if they belonged in nature, and grew out of the site
-Though architecture is surely an art, it is also a science and this program focuses on the scientific component.
-Skyscrapers have to stand up, not only to gravity but also to wind, precipitation, and sometimes earthquakes.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The videos related to the text in a way that they are just a more specific view to topics mentioned in the book. How the Greeks used lines in structures is mentioned in detail in the book, then you get a visual of it in modern architecture in the videos.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?
I enjoyed these videos, especially learning about Frank Lloyd Wright. I love how he had different levels of roofs separated by glass skylights creating a natural flow inside the house. He completely changed the concept of what a house "should" look like.
The 'Architecture: The Science of Design' video amused me at first because it had such modern ideas being portrayed, but the people and computers looked like they were stuck in the 1980s. In the following question, I go into more details about that video.

4. From the group of four that you had a choice: Why did you choose that film?

Other than the Prairie style video, I chose the 'Architecture: The science of design" video because it incorporated modern ideas, such as the "smart apartment" where when you set an alarm to wake up...exactly 10 minutes before it is scheduled to go off, your hot shower starts, the temperature of the house regulates, and the lights turn on. Also, the motorized curtains open, the stereo starts playing, a relaxing voice wakes you up from slumber, heat vents warm up your bath towels, and much more. Modern ideas like this interest me very much because it will eventually be a common thing in the future. 

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