I chose these three pictures of masks as inspiration for mine. As you can see it is a simple combination of black, white, and feathers. Do to financial reasons I obviously can't make one so perfect as these, but I did choose to try a 3-dimensional mask. The pictured masks above all show a series of elements; texture, because the feathers obviously give you the feeling of wanting to touch them, balance, because they are pretty symmetrical for the most part, and emphasis, because feathers around the top or near the eyes are there to accentuate certain facial features.
My mask is 3-dimensional, although the photo quality is not the best. I found this project much more difficult than I had originally thought. The process started with a plain, white 3-D mask I bought at a craft store. I decided to try and cover it with black felt (instead of the obvious....painting it), which involved unsuccessful gluing, followed by staples. The staples were later covered on the front with the white feathers, who were also covered by more NON-stapled black felt, to hide the sharp ends of the feathers. To hide the staples along the bottom of the mask, I glued mini black pom-poms along the whole edge, and also under the eyes a little creating a tear duct look while also hiding staples. The last photo shows the back side, obviously covered in staples, but you cannot see one on the front side. This did not turn out as good as I wanted it to, the effort was there, it took at least a few hours a day since saturday morning. I also wanted to get this project done considering we might be in trouble with power outages everywhere, and my "backup plan" might not have power either.