Friday, September 28, 2012

Logo creation - Module 5

1. Discuss what you thought about creating your logo.

Creating my logo was a good assignment I thought, because it made me think about myself as a person, and what I enjoy.  Most school assignments are pretty cut and dry, telling you exactly what to do, while this allows the student to express more personal creativity than normal. 

2. Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation.

The process of creating this logo was pretty simple, I made a quick list of what came to my mind first, of words showing things I like, love, or have a passion for.  After I was satisfied with the list, I started making rough sketches until I was semi-satisfied with the general idea.  I thought I made a final drawing with a blocky "M" but ended up not liking the thick fraternity looking font, and changed the "M" to the scorpio symbol. Not only am I a scorpio, but my name begins with this letter. I added a small seahorse blowing music note bubbles to show I love sealife, sunsets, and I enjoy and play music as one of my jobs.

3. What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo?

The most important discovery I made while creating this logo was when I did a little research, how such simple designs represent such a huge meaning.  Most larger businesses and companies have very small, basic, unique symbols that make your eye try and figure out the bigger meaning behind it, and what the motive of the graphic designer was.

4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material  for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?

My opinion on the videos was pretty good. It was neat to see how the man judged the graphic designers work so harshly and specifically to make sure they got the perfect design.  The websites showed several different examples of what different designs look like being used for different purposes. These would be a great resource if I was ever needing information on such a thing. All of the information including powerpoints seemed a little redundant, but was interesting because I have never done anything involving graphic/logo design before.

3 Images (in order) - Final result, blocky letter font mistake as described, and rough beginning sketches. 
I like the seahorse better from the mistake drawing, but the 'M' better in the final result. Effort is the key!

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